People in Hong Kong love their dogs… But if you live on Lamma Island, you might start encountering more unsavory species, such as giant spiders (crawling through your 3rd floor window), or gravity-defying mosquitoes. Edited 2010-02-16: Later that week when I wrote this post, I found a gecko in my sink, after letting the window … Continue reading “Critters of Hong Kong”

People in Hong Kong love their dogs…

But if you live on Lamma Island, you might start encountering more unsavory species, such as giant spiders (crawling through your 3rd floor window), or gravity-defying mosquitoes.
Edited 2010-02-16: Later that week when I wrote this post, I found a gecko in my sink, after letting the window open during the day…
That is the sweetest critter I’ve seen all day… OK, all year!
You mean the spider or the gecko?!
Hum… most DEFINITELY the geicko 🙂
Spiders? Not so much…